
Jeevanandham Vavinan - Project Portfolio Page


BudgetBuddy is a desktop financial tracker application that helps users to manage their personal finances. It allows users to track their income and expenses across multiple accounts and provides insights into their financial activities. It is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) and is written in Java, and has about 3 kLoC.

Summary of Contributions


Feature 1 - Deleting Transaction

  1. Created the removeTransaction method to handle deletion of a transaction based on its index in the list.
  2. Facilitated with the command delete followed by the index ID of the transaction to be deleted.
  3. Implemented error handling for various edge cases, including empty input, invalid index, and out-of-bound index.
  4. Removed the transaction from the transaction list and updated the account balance. Then the user will get the confirmation message about the process.

What it does: Allows users to delete the transaction.
Justification: This feature is key to the BudgetBuddy as users need to be able to delete the transactions which has errors or added by mistake.

Feature 2 - Editing Transaction

  1. Implemented the processEditTransaction method to facilitate editing of a transaction based on its index.
  2. Facilitated by the command edit followed by the index ID of the transaction to be edited.
  3. Validated user input for the index and transaction data, handling exceptions such as empty input and non-integer index.
  4. Prompted the user to provide updated information for the transaction and validated each piece of data, and throw appropriate exceptions associated with the input being given.
  5. Updated the transaction list with the edited transaction and printed a confirmation message.

What it does: Allows users to edit the transaction.
Justification: This feature is key to the BudgetBuddy as users need to be able to edit the transactions which has been added with some mistakes and need to be updated.
Highlights: Instead of expecting the user to type long command this feature prompts the user to input value for each data

Feature 3 - Search Transaction

  1. Implemented the searchTransaction method to facilitate searching of transactions using a keyword based on description, date, category or amount.
  2. Facilitated by the command search followed by the keyword.
  3. If the keyword is missing, exception is thrown and the suer will be alerted
  4. The keyword is used to search from the list and the matching results will be shows as a table along with its true index ID. If there is no matching transactions, then the user will be notified that there is no matching transactions.

What it does: Allows users to search for transactions
Justification: This feature is key to the BudgetBuddy as if the transaction history is too long and a user wants to delete or edit transaction. Then this search functionality will be helpful as the user can enter a keyword to search for it to get the true index ID of the transaction. Then that ID can be used in delete or edit command.